Sunday, July 13, 2008

Get Smart

When Control has been attacked the chief (Arkin) had to promote analyst Max Smart (Steve Carell) to discover KAOS' master plan against the nation.
 I was incredibly pleased that Carell did not go overboard with the comedy and goofiness. I was expecting him to be Michael Scott from The Office, tenfold. But no, he kept it very accurate to the originals, or so I am told-- I have not seen the TV show.
 Anne Hathaway was hilarious especially after claiming she is an older agent with plastic surgery. It made it weird to think she was hot.
 Great movie, entertaining. 


A story of an infamous superhuman (Smith), who has been shunned from society because of his saving under the influence and destruction of government property in the process. But a man with a dream to save the world befriends him and encourages him to let people see him differently. In the process, he realizes he's not alone.
This was surprisingly well done as far as Will Smith goes. He definitely showed his bad ass side, but throughout the movie he had a story that was quite sad behind it all.
The story line was very well done, though Hancocks background could have been visualized more, and I feel he developed to fast, considering in the process of anger management he never shared very much.
The supporting actors Charlize Theron and Jason Bateman were very good and really added to the emotional growth of the movie.
I would say this movie is a must see.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

The nephew of a Telmarine flees from being murdered into the mysterious and eerie country of Narnia. Called by magic, the young heroes from long ago in Narnia are disrupted from their life in modern days to save Narnia from Telmar with the help of the nephew of the Telmarinian  king, Caspian.
The movie was great, and the effects were good. The battle scenes were very "creative" compared to the book, but not making it way out there. They followed the book very well, and explained stuff well enough for non-book fans to understand.
The part I despised was the last minute of the movie, where Susan flings herself at Caspian for a goodbye, lovey-dovey kiss. I believe Disney was probably pressured into letting this kiss in by fans because of how "hot" Ben Barnes (Caspian) supposedly is.
The kiss ruined the movie because there was no kiss or romantic inference in the book.
But still a must see if you don't care.

Friday, May 23, 2008

House [M.D.]

Hugh Laurie is House. A smart-ass that doesn't care much for anyone but himself. He is in fact, an amazing doctor and saves many lives. He is rather obsessive about finding symptoms.
Leading some new doctors on investigations to helps save patients with symptoms that usually rule out any probable diseases.
The only negative part about the show is that each episode as the same format. A person gets hurt, but wait it's the person that's with that person who gets the bad symptom. Then he is admitted to the hospital, and House thinks he has something no one else believes he has. They all list a whole lot of things it could be, but each on leaves out a symptom. And then the patient gets another symptom that rules out a ton of diseases, but opens doors for other sicknesses. And then another weird symptom, and then they figure it out!! 
Really that makes it sound bad, but it is a great show, great for several laughs and some interesting ideas. And the student doctor person named Thirteen, played by Olivia Wilde, is beautiful. Haha. Watch this show.

Indiana Jones And The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Harrison Ford makes another Indiana Jones movie. My theory is that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg just decided that National Treasure needed to be put in its place.
It was entertaining, and surprisingly Shia LaBeuf was actually pretty good and even funny. So basically, the Natzi's roll in the movies were taken by the Russan KGB. Original...? Nah. At the beginning of the movie they make a few jokes about how he's so much older and nothing will be as easy, but we are supposed to forget all about that because he turns out to kick ass in the fights against Russian troops. He didn't seem old any more. 
There were a few lame insults shot from Jones, but that didn't ruin my hope. Until the end of the movie, we find out what the crystal skull is. Turns out it is farther from realistic than a knight from the middle ages to keep a goblet safe.
All in all, I would give this a 3/5 stars. It was lame at the end, but had some awesome scenes.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Iron Man

Robert Downey Jr. is Tony Stark, the creator of the Iron Man. After being captured by terrorist, he secretly made a weapon to escape the caves. He improved this weapon to be the Iron Man, the thing that could destroy whole armies. Though someone catches up with his idea and makes something to oppose Iron Man.
Filled with dry humor, filled with gadgets, this movie simply kicked ass. Robert Downey Jr.'s quick witted dry humor livens every second of it-- even the parts when he's in peril. You won't get sick of seeing all the sexy gadgets and even his robot that talks back at some points.
This is a must see movie. At the end, do not expect a full ending, as they very obviously are setting it up for a sequel. But it is still a movie you must definitely watch with your guy friends an ogle all those nice cars he owns.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


        A movie with George Clooney and John Kransinki. If you watch the office and have seen Clooney in Ocean's 11-13, you must have figured out that they would be a good pair with their wit and humor style. But no. It sucked. Based on the beginning of football becoming pro, it really had nowhere to go. It was just about how Clooney wanted to make a good team and John Kransinki was lying about some war-hero story.  Fairly boring except for a few good lines.
Oh my gosh, I forgot to remind you that Renee Zelweger is in it? Oops guess not. Oh well. She was gross and ugly as she ever is. She had a few good lines with George Clooney but that was it.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

A composer-loser (Jason Segel) was in a 5 year relationship with a sexy TV-Star (Kristen Bell) when everything went down the tubes. Things get worse when Segel finds his way to Hawaii to try and get over Bell when she happens to be in the same resort with her new singer boyfriend. 
Forgetting Sarah Marshall was a movie we can all relate to in some way or another. Everyone has probably been dumped by a girl they really liked or even loved. FSM does not have a "bad guy" but all the characters have a different idea of love, where it may be sleeping around, being with someone forever, or that the guy has to dote on you every second and make you feel pretty.
This is one movie I would classify in my recently claimed genre, "What the Hell?", because at some point in the movie Segel starts singing in a voice that sounds like Count from Sesame Street and then he gets a random hug from a fat guy.
I would recommend you brace yourself for the most random penis shots you have ever experienced. They were definitely unnecessary, but at the same time it made it really funny.
This movie was definitely a movie I would see many times, and I hope all of you enjoy it. Now go watch it.
Ps. Mila Kunis is a babe.

Baby Mama

Well this movie was just awesome. The chemistry  between Tina Fey and Amy Poehler was great since they have worked on SNL a lot together. Tina Fey is a business woman who never had time to date because of her success in her job. Now she realizes she is 37 and close to too old for having a child. She really wants a child. She then hires a surrogate mother for her child, Amy Poehler who is white trash and is very childlike.
Throughout the movie you get laughs like crazy, but you also get a sad story once the movie can develop. They continuously get laughs out of you for the weirdest things such as a girl peeing in a sink and trying to eat Twinkies to fake being pregnant.
I would definitely recommend this movie, especially since I liked it while I was in a bad mood, so if I see it again, I'll probably love it! Go see it.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I Present A New Genre...

Family Guy... The Office... Hilary Clinton Running For President

They all have one thing in common. Many adults seem to not understand the humor. Although in the Hilary Clinton running for president scenario, it just... isn't humorous.
Family Guy is about a family led by Peter Griffin who is extremely dumb and his basic instincts are to do what people do on tv, not what makes sense in the situation at large.
The office is about a rather ignorant manager of a paper company and their random days in the office with very diverse groups of people.
Now, I have talked to a few adults who have given the genre of "Stupid Humor" to these shows, intending the description to be a negative one. Thinking of what the definition for stupid humor would be, I decided "stupid humor" probably wouldn't be that funny. I mean, how funny can it be when a guy can't spell? That's taking it literally, but really that's the idea of "Stupid Humor." I really didn't think this fit well with shows, I am huge fans of both. Both are not funny because it's stupid, but because the characters are stupid.
I have a new genre created especially for these two shows and any others you yourself could fit into it..........
'What the Hell?' Humor.
Think about it.
Family Guy Scenario:
Peter wants to get Stewie (baby) to like him better, so he decides to play with him.
"See, you can play with this box." "wait this is cool I want this"
**crawls underneath box (filling it)
"I'm king in here..."
Now that is not stupid humor in my book. He didn't do anything particularly stupid, he just did something no one would do.... or think of. That's right. It is funny because it makes you think: "What the hell is this? Who would do this? Did people really come up with this sitting in an office drawing pictures?? They are so random! So creative!" That is the process of thought that is probably going through your brain when you watch Family Guy.
The Office Scenario:

Jim Halpert: Sometimes I send Dwight faxes from himself in the future.
Dwight Schrute: [reading fax] Dear Dwight, At 8:00 someone will poison the coffee. Do not drink the coffee! More instructions will follow. Cordially, Future Dwight
Dwight Schrute: [sees Stanley about to drink the coffee and sprints across the office, knocking the cup out of Stanley's hand]
Dwight Schrute: NO!
[after knocking the cup to the floor]
Dwight Schrute: You'll thank me later.
If you're getting the idea of this... you're should be asking yourself "What the hell?" Yea. Who is so amazing enough to think up something as random as this??

The best about this is these are not the best lines of either the shows, they are merely samples. I guarantee "What the Hell" will run through your head at least 10 times each show of either.

And that sums up my new genre: 'What the Hell?' Humor. Think about that, adults who cannot find these shows funny.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Street Kings

Street Kings, starring Keanu Reeves is about a LAPD cop going to many lengths to find the killer of his ex-partner while his captain (Forest Whitaker) protects him from the Internal Affairs and the Law. He brings along a younger detective (Chris Evans) to find justice, but comes out with death and corruption.
This movie was very intense and never let me leave for the bathroom. There were many times I felt I had to go, but there was never a low point in the movie I felt I could miss.
This movie was very good except for the fact that LAPD really isn't corrupt (or as corrupt) as this movie portrays. There is ample amounts of blood and one scene of dead, rotting corpses. If you have any problem with continuous use of the F-bomb, then don't see this.
Other than that it was an incredibly thrilling movie and well acted for the most part. I find it a little funny that the "girl" of the movie is in a bikini on the cover when you see her in it for two seconds then she is robed for the remainder of the scene. There is no romantic connection between Keanu Reeves and her since he is basically not over his wife's death a few years ago. I could be wrong but I don't think they even kiss in the movie.
Another minor negative is that they never point out that even though Keanu Reeves was "blinded", he never had any consequences for the wrong that he did, even though it was planned for him to do those things.
In my opinion, definitely a must-see movie, just don't go without a mindset for seeing graphic and realistic blood and gore.